Matt Sears
October 10-November 10, 2020

On the eve of the 2020 U.S. presidential election, the Garage proudly presents BIGLY by Matt Sears.

Sears made “BIGLY” immediately after the 2016 election, taking a 3 x 5-foot American flag, bleaching it, dousing it in spray tan and hanging it from two safety matches. He describes the act as “a fervent and cathartic state of being, as many of us were in at that time. I wanted to make something that was emotionally tactile and immediate, a do-it-yourself dissent kit of sorts. Hanging the flag from two matchsticks brings the implication of burning it — that classic act of defiance and revolt — and is perhaps the focal point of the piece for me.”

To accompany the exhibition, Sears and the Garage have collaborated on a photographic print of “BIGLY” for $100 and are donating all proceeds minus shipping and handling costs to UnLocal, Inc., a community-centered non-profit organization that provides legal representation and community education to New York City’s undocumented immigrant communities.

Press release (PDF)

New York Times, January 13, 2021